Next Tournament

1-0, 0-1 or 1/2-1/2 ??

White to move - Evaluate.


  1. we can play out this endgame today otb as white/black if anyone is interested.

  2. Sure,since have no time to look now.

  3. Looks like Black is winning here, in my opinion.
    those b and c pawns are too dangerous for white's liking

  4. Congrats Alanna on Sardinia.

    Your evaluation may be right, but I have been trying to win this position (as black) for sometime now and not been able to :)

  5. Thanks Harish!

    I think if you break through with the b and c pawns and distract white with the h pawn, you should win, no?
    what would your first move for white be?

  6. The move for white that is giving me the most trouble is Re5 (giving up the f4 with check). my line went 1.Re5 Rxf4+ 2.Ke2, and now what, black's c5 hangs and 2...Rc4 Kd3 and black's rook becomes very passive and the threat of whites rook getting behind the b pawn is there and I cant seem to make progress.

  7. no rc4, why not just push b4.....rxc5 bxc3 rc3 h5
    looks like it could work

  8. Alanna I think the endgame rook vs rook and h pawn you are proposing is drawn. The king is too near. White will force the black king to the h file behind the pawn and will remain on the g file not letting him out. To remove this black rook has to remove the cutoff and at this time white king will creep to the f file after which it will be a draw.
