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Opposition - very important

Opposition - odd number of squares (1,3,5) between the kings. Very important in the endings. Our hard work in the game might be useless if we do not know how the opposition works. We can win or save a half point by knowing how to gain the opposition. Here are three examples (2nd one has a twin): No.1 Answer the question just by looking at the position. 1. Can white on the move win? 2. Can black on the move draw? Now play it out. Did you change your previous verdict? No.2a Is there any hope for white on the move in this position? No.2b (twin) What about this one? No.3 Answer the question just by looking at the position. 1. Can white win on the move. 2. Can black draw on the move. Now play it out. Did you change your previous verdict? Remember (important for this example): there is also diagonal opposition. Odd number of squares (1,3,5) between the kings diagonally.


  1. I just wonder did anybody look at these positions. Should I put them from time to time or is it better something different.

  2. Such positions are good to have. Definitely post them whenever possible.
