Western New York And Northern Pennslyvania Club Championships
March 1, 2008
At Sardinia Community Center(Town Offices) 12320 Savage Rd. Sardinia,NY
4SS, G/60, Rds.:10, 12:30,2:30,4:30
EF: $10 per person USCF membership required, can join at tournament.
Prizes: Trophies for top team and top individual players.
Entries and info: Tom Warner
phone (716)496-5230
email: Warner689@adelphia.net
No limit to number of players on team, but only top 4 scores will count for team total. Can have more than 1 team per club. No minimum to the number of players on a team. You can be a "team" of one!
Why not help Tom out by commenting below with the names of your players, USCF #, and ratings of each player.