On Sunday, October 17, 2010, he and Borders Bookstore combined their efforts and sponsored the First Dual Annual Simultaneous Chess Exhibition in Western New York.
The Exhibitors, International Master- Dr. Kenneth Regan and National Master- Barry Davis, played 15 opponents simultaneously, with each Exhibitor alternating moves at each chess board against each challenger. In that way, one player would make a move and the other Exhibitor would make the next move on the very same chess board.
There were 15 challengers:One woman, two 10 year boys, and 12 men. The two Exhibitors won 14 games. They were not infallible, however, as they did lose one game. The giant slayer was Yogesh Bedeker, an unrated chess player. The other challengers were: Diane Ruminski, Ian Castro and Bryan Castro, James P. Davis, Benjamin Rummell, Miles James, Justin Craddock, Glenn Westcott, Matthew Newarett, Joshua Graf, Joe Tornambe, Garrett Thomas, Ronald O'Mara and Michael A. Mc Duffie, Chess Ambassador.
Chess activity is not new at Borders Bookstore. It is one of the venues where the Chess Ambassador sponsors activities one night a week, and where chess amateurs go to find a chess game.
Our collective hats are tipped to enthuiastically thank the Chess Ambassador Mc Duffie for his continuning and sincere commitment to local chess. Why? Because chess is one of those board games that reguires logic, planning, strategy, tactics and problem solving. Also, it is excellent for our youth and seniors because it "beats the streets" and can help to prevent Alzheimers.
Respectfully submitted by James P. Davis, Esq.
To see more photos from this event click the link on the upper right hand side of this blog or by clicking http://picasaweb.google.com/buffaloniagarachess/DualSimul##
Congratulations Michael and thanks to Ken and Barry. Photos from the event can be seen on the blog (thanks to Harish). Look to the right of this posting under the heading "Photos from Recent Events" (Dual Simul).