Saturday, November 13, 2010, Main Place Mall, Upper level, 390 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14201. FREE Parking under the Mall, FOOD COURT open during tournament play.
This Scholastic K - 12 Team Championships are open to homeschool, club and school teams. Five members make a team. Schools may have more than one team or more than five players but only the top five scores count towards the team score.
FORMAT:Five Rounds, Swiss, Game 30, USCF rules enforced. Please bring chess set, chess board and digital chess clock.
Advance Entry Team Fee:$50 per team, deadline by Wednesday, November 10, 2010 or $75 CASH ONLY at the Door.
REGISTRATION:On site closes at 10:15am. ADVANCE ONLINE REGISTRATION to with full name, Team name, School, Age, Grade, Section and Telephone, no later than midnight on friday, Novemeber 12, 2010.
GAME SCHEDULE:RD 1 at 11am, RD 2 at Noon, RD 3 at 1pm, RD 4 at 2pm and FINALS at 3pm, Trophy presentation to follow immediately!
TROPHY Sponsor:The Willie Hutch Jones Educational & Sports Programs. Team Trophies to the TOP 3 Teams in each section. Individual Trophies awarded to the TOP 5 players in each section. TOP FEMALE AWARD!
Please mail and make checks payable to The Archangel 8 Chess Academy, 60F Guilford Lane, Buffalo, NY 14221 no later than Wednesday, November 10, 2010.
PIZZA and REFRESHMENTS provided to all paid tournament chess players.
Submitted by Mc Duffie, Chess Ambassador
Pioneer will have a middle and high school team.