Next Tournament

UB Bughouse Chess Tournament

Hey everyone, UB will be hosting a Round Robin 5 0 Bughouse Tournament April 29th, 145 B Student Union (UB North Campus) with registration going from 9:45-11:00. It will be $20/team to enter. Come down and have some fun! Thanks so much for the support! (We will have a break for lunch and there is great food available on site!)


  1. WooHoo Bughouse! Sam is excited!


  2. Also..there was a suggestion that perhaps folks could post here if they would like to play, but don't have a partner so that people can pair up :).


  3. What time is the first round? Time limit? Scheduled breaks between rounds?

  4. Ben is in need of a partner. Is there anyone else who would like to play?

  5. Hey just a few quick notes, first and foremost I was incorrect the Bughouse tournament will be in the FLAGROOM of the Student Union, (The Flag room is on the second floor right up the stairs from the food court.) Second, we plan on starting ASAP after registration closes (at 11:00), games will be 5 minutes per side and the only real break I believe we will have is the break for lunch. Thank you guys once again so much. Any questions feel free to e-mail me at See you Sunday!

    -Mark Johnson
