Next Tournament


Final results: cross table available at Presented by Buffalo Fire Commissioner, Garnell W. Whitfield, Jr. and The Archangel 8 Chess Academy. This tournament event is rated by US Chess Federation, Swiss, 4 Rounds, Game 50. Held at the Main Place Mall, Upper level, 390 Main Street, Buffalo, NY on Saturday, June 18, 2011. Please bring chess set, chess board and digital chess clock. Pizza and refreshments for all paid tournament chess players.

Advance discounted entry fee $25 payment must be received by Wednesday, June 15, 2011 $35 cash only at the door, no checks accepted at the door.

Registration:9am to 9:25am. All late non payment registrations must take a one half non playing point and must wait for the next round. Please report early, so we can start on time. Games start at 9;45am, 11:30am, 1:15pm and 3pm.

GUARANTEED CASH PRIZES: 1st Place - $150, 2nd Place $80, U1900 - $75, U1500 - $60 & $50.00.

Four sections: Open, U1500, Scholastic K-12 and Urban Queens(not USCF rated)

Fathers and child will receive a $5.00 additional discount.

Scholastic and Urban Queens entry fee is $10 advance or $15 Cash only at the door. Five games, Game 30, Swiss. All scholastic players must report by 10:30am, Games start at 11am, Noon, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm.

Trophies to the Top 4 players in each section.

Please mail and make checks payable to Archangel 8 Chess Academy, 60F Guilford Lane, Buffalo, NY 14221 with full name, section, USCF id number, email and telephone number. All check payments must be received by wednesday, June 15, 2011 to receive discount entry. Advance Online discount registration must be posted and paid by Wednesday, June 15, 2011.

Thanks for all your help and support. Tell a Friend, Bring a Friend to help us continue to grow our Buffalo Niagara Chess Community. If you have any questions or advance registration, please post or

Submitted by Mc Duffie, Chess Ambassador


  1. Michael,

    I assume this event is on June 18th.

    It might be helpful to put the date at
    the top of the posting so that people
    not familiar with our schedule will be
    aware as well.



  2. Ok, I had forgotten about the banner
    advertising the next tournament.

    Thanks for enabling it since I thought
    there could be slight confusion for
    new folks reading about a 'Father's Day
    Appreciation' tournament with Father's
    Day being on a Sunday and not the
    Saturday of the event.


  3. You are right vic. There could be some confusion. I added on the banner on the top after I saw your first comment.
    Thanks. McDufffie can confirm if the date is correct.

  4. I would like to play but cannot do it. Another time. Good luck to all. Marijan
