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Can black equalize ??

This position was reached in a game played between myself and Marijan few months ago. In a rare occasion White (myself) is winning, if not for the move that White has just played Bd2-c3?? It looks intuitively a strong move -- increasing scope of the bishop and attacking the queen. But it was a blunder. Fortunately for me, my opponent also missed the tactic. I am sure if it was tournament game, he would have found the right continuation. Black can equalize here with a nice tactic. Can you find it? (Diagram is black at bottom)


  1. I played that game? B:b3+ looks normal to free d5 square for N after sacrificing the Q. What did I play?

  2. Yes, you played ...Qg8. I was analyzing all my caro-kann games today and found this.

    And yes right Bb3+ equalizes immediately. Whatever white replies, black plays Qxc3 and if Kxc3 Nd5 fork. After this black has two pawns for the exchange.

  3. Well I actually did see this (but always different in a game when no one is there
    telling you to look for a tactic :)). Bb3+
    clears the the d5 square and prepares the
    knight fork after Qxc3.


  4. Unprotected pieces & checks + threat greater threat...good work gang

    B Davis

  5. I invite and challenge all who play this fascinating game of chess to go where few have gone before! After 25 minutes of thought I solve the daily mate in three problem on gameknot! Please inform me if any one solves it or solves it faster!! Remember to enjoy the journey! B Davis

  6. Sorry ...Harish I can't spell thanks again... the Dinosaur!

  7. Thanks Barry for the challenge. Indeed a great one. It took me 37 min to solve that mate in 3. :) but I can sleep today :)

  8. Good work Harish ...I don't think we will get to many takers on this one!!!

  9. The mate in two was not as challenging...3 mins but good exercise none the less! The Dinosaur!

  10. sorry. I guess I missed it. Which one was that and how OI can look at previous ones? Normally I am trying to solve them all. m

  11. is that from:

  12. The position for which we took the time challenge is below

    White: Kh3 Bd5 Bf6 Nh6 pawn d2
    Black: Kf4 and pawn d4
    White to move and mate in 3
