CHESS TOURNAMENT(Round one March 17, Round 2 March 24, 2007)
Registration is from 3pm till 3:30pm.
Kenmore Quads, 3 Rounds, Game 20
Library requires children must be supervised at all times!
Entry Fee: Library Card, Must know how to check mate!
Must have chess set, and chess board
Compete against chess players of like age and grades, will be placed in each section and group of four.
ADVANCE REGISTRATION: Comment here with name, section, and grade.
Sections are Elementary (2nd grade thru 4 grades), (5th grades thru 8), (9th thru 12th grades) and and Open for all others.
Prizes and name in Kenmore News to all first and second place winners in each section.
Will this be USCF rated?