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Way to go Niagara! Quiz for 3/13

Black to move. What danger do you eliminate?


  1. Let me just say: One R and a B are completly unimportant.

  2. very nice!! 1...Ne2+ 2.Kh1 Qxh2+ 3.Kxh2 Rh4 mate.

    amusingly in my earlier analysis, after ...Ne2+ and Kh1, i dint see the queen sac. for more than 20 min. and started analyzing other lines only with futility.

    credit to the well phrased question. !!

  3. yes, I figured this one out rather quickly... step one was to think mate, step 2 was to assume that since it was a puzzle i had to consider something bizzare which led me to the queen sac ;)

  4. Way to go Niagara! as well as the members of NCCC for getting this one right. The danager to eliminate was: "losing the game" not the dangerous passed pawn nor the double attack on the advanced rook.

    By the way does anyone know what this mating pattern is called and why it got that name?

  5. i dont know what name this pattern is called. but its definitely hard to find over the board without someone telling its a puzzle.

  6. It is called Anastasia's Mate. After a 1903 german novel "Anastasia und das Schachspiel" by Wilhelme Heinsein in which this mating net can be found.

  7. Maybe it is hard, but once you spend time to find out you will remember it for the rest of your life, and it will come instantly to you.
