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Chess Tempo Daily Chess Puzzle

I replaced the older daily puzzle with chesstempo's daily puzzle (on the blog's right hand side) as this gives three levels of difficulty for all level's of play. Enjoy them. If anybody is not able to see them, please comment. Thanks


  1. Sorry. Cannot see properly. h1-h8 is just blankMarijan

  2. Harish - Same issue as Marijan. h1-h8 not viewable in IE, but does show in Firefox and Safari. Ever since you added the Goring Gambit game, my IE browser freezes on the Blog homepage, even though I've reinstalled IE and Java twice. I now have to view Blog on Firefox or Safari. Not sure if others are having this issue. Do like the new puzzle! Bob

  3. I changed the size of puzzle, so hopefully it will be visible.

    With regard to the crash, which version of IE it is? Are you able to view previous posts where I posted some games, for example how about this link

  4. Does this puzzle change weekly (apparently not every day) automatically, or you have to put another "by hand". Marijan

  5. Sorry. I just saw that it changed.
