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What about the Bishop? Quiz for 5/25

Continuing along the theological theme, whose bishop should be sacrificed in order to play on? It is white to move. Find the best move.


  1. 1. Qxc6+ Kxc6 2. Ne5+ Kc5 3. Nd3+ Kd4 4. Kd2 with mate to follow on c3


  2. ...and with a small pawn. Not the way how we should treat invited guests.

  3. white mates in all lines, even if the king doesnt take


  4. Answer: Yes, the black bishop must be sacrificed as the king can not take the white queen or the "small pawn" will do in the meandering king in 5 moves as noted by Steve and Marijan.

    Black can only play on somewhat longer with
    1. Qxc6 Ka7(or Kb8)

    From here, though it should be a technical win for white.
