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A Gem from Artem

Rev. Marijan Procyk and I were lucky enough to play in the same hall as the young Canadian IM Artem Samsokin at last year's Niagara Falls, Ontario Open. Here is an artful win by him against American Super GM Nakamura in Toronto at the Price Waterhouse Cooper's Open on 4/19/2009:


  1. Thanks for posting. It was a fantastic game. So many beatiful moves

    first knight sac on e6

    then taking the rook and promoting with a knight thereby retaining the queen on f7. and now is exchange up

    giving back exchange with Rc7

    And the final position threatening rook sac with Rxa6 followed by Qa5 mate. great !!

    Thanks :)

  2. Thanks, Mark. Really interesting game.If he could play that way against Nakamura wonder what would he do against me - a mortal one.
