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Quiz for 4/2 No April's Fool!

By the standard point system for piece value, White is up the value of one pawn. White to move. Would it be foolish to give back material?


  1. White has opportunity to give much more. Black has to accept it if not in first then definitly in second move. But everything is useless. White is winning.

  2. I am not able to see a forced win although with Queen I would prefer to play White. I was thinking of the 1.Rh7 but black can play ...Rf8 and I cant see a follow up. Ofcourse ...Kxh7 will lead to mate (I think) after 2.Qxf7+ Kh8 3.Nf5 and if now 3...Rg8 4.Qh5 is mate.

    But after 1.Rh7 Rf8 I am not sure. I will go home set it up on board and try again.

  3. Rh7 would be a second move if black does not want to be mated in 3.

  4. So, what happend with the solution? Tactics, tactics...
    Mark, do not post it yet.

  5. Solution with best play (meaning the longest black can hold):
    1. Rh6+! Kg7
    (if 1...Kxh6 2. Qxf7 any 3. Nf5#)
    Now there are two ways to mate:

    2.Rh7! Kxh7
    3.Qxf7+ Kh8
    4.Nf5 Re7
    5.Nxe7 any move (except Rg8)
    6.Ng6# (or if 5...Re8 then Qxg8#)

    2.Nf5+ Kg8
    3.Rh8! Kxh8
    4.Qxf7 Re7
    5.Nxe7 any move (except Rg8)
    6.Ng6# (or if 5...Re8 then Qxg8#)

  6. Mark, I ask not to put solution yet. Well you did it.
    I said before:
    Rh7 would be a second move if black does not want to be mated in 3. Certainly I ment first way to win. Did not think about 2nd.
    Who is credited for this one.

  7. the line:
    5.Nxe7 any move (except Rg8)should read:
    5.Nxe7 any move (except Rg8 or Nf8)
